Tuesday, March 8, 2016

We’d like to welcome all to our latest showcase of artwork composed by the Contemporary Art Group Of New Jersey, and displayed here at Gallery U in Westfield.
The CAG is a collective organization of working artists who meet often to collectively further their interests in art. It’s a group that supports and holds a mutual respect for each other in how they share ideas, inform one another of exhibit opportunities, and express their artful growth.
I’ve chosen a few of the Artist’s to detail and hopefully you will connect with them as well.
The first artist I chose was Ruth Brown, and her piece that we have on display is, “I think you broke my heart”. That was a 10” x 12” photograph of a break in a piece of glass, seemingly portraying a heart. Ruth has been involved in photography for over 50 years. She suggests that even early in her life she was a photographer. While being out today with her camera, she likes to wander and search for something that attracts her. Throughout the years she has took plenty of these walks and on many instances has coincidently found heart shapes.
Next there was an Oil and Wax piece, made on a Wood Panel, entitled “Waterlily III” by, Alicia Flynn Cotter who
respectively attributes nature in influencing her artwork. Her intention is to take a more classic topic and modernize it through style and/or design. “Waterlily III” is particularly attractive through its contemporary painting style and distinct use of color. The influence came from photographs she took during her visit to the “Monet’s Garden” show while at New York’s Botanical Garden. The focal point, in essence was the portrayal of two of the artist’s autographed garden ideas­ a waterlily pond and arched green bridge.
Next there was an Oil on Canvas piece, entitled: “Atop Mt. Graylock”, composed by Donald Kuhn. He expresses of having interest in exploring new places, new landscapes. Mt. Graylock in Massachusetts, a mountain that influenced the author of Moby Dick,is said to be one of those places. It’s dreary peak was alive on his visit in early autumn. The Goldenrods waved in the air and the grasses curled like a pond. The firs stood firmly against the wind similar to guards marching downhill.He’s made art all of his life but became more heavily committed upon retirement.
Moving on to another artist; Charlann Meluso, and her piece was a Digital Composite Photograph, entitled “Concealed”, which happens to be one of four Zebra images she made early in 2015 for a multi­media art
exhibit featuring an animal who uses color as camouflage. Her lifelong attraction to Zebras was the basis of her animal directive in this exhibit. To illustrate the Zebra in her creative approach, she’s made some special backgrounds of distinctive black and white stripes of the Zebra. This image is truly an original without clipart or stock photography. Truth is that the Zebras were photographed at the Bronx Zoo amidst one of many Photo Expedition field trips she took with her Computer Graphics and Photography classes from Bayonne High School, from where she recently retired after 39 years of teaching art.
What she observes and grasps has to catch her eye and touch her soul, and also have a visual influence that will induce awareness or feedback from the viewers whom she’d essentially have a similar association with. Being that her photographs and all sorts are conceived with an understanding that they’ll be noticed, considered and appreciated. The emotion hopefully felt by the observer completes her intention.
We’d like to thank all who participated and observed. The next showcase we’ll have on display; SWART, in which the opening reception is scheduled for Friday, March, 4, 2016, from 6:00­8:00 PM. Artwork will be exhibited through April 4, 2016. All are welcome.

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